Tuesday, October 26, 2010

here we go again..

Its that time of year again where I have to decide my living situation for next year. And, following the pattern of the last three years, I'm moving again. But this time, only across the parking lot. Instead of living by myself or with an unknown roommate for my senior year, I've decided to move into an apartment with four great girls but with a slightly smaller bedroom than I'm used to now. But with moving comes decorating, and I can't wait to decorate!

"If you don't have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all. Love is supremely important". - Tuesdays With Morrie

When I was in high school I couldn't wait to get out of the house and go off to college. Now, I'm thankful for every moment I get to spend at home. This past weekend, Joe and I flew home to Pennsylvania for Fall Break. We did all of the typical touristy/couple-y things like taking a tour around Philly and carving pumpkins and going to a haunted house. But all I really wanted to do was be with my mom. This summer, right before I came back to  Chapel Hill, I was told my mom had cancer. For the second time. In the same breast. After she'd already had a mastectomy. I still can't believe this is happening to us again. Now I don't take anything for granted. I am so grateful for the time I get to spend with my family and friends now. I recently counted it out and I get to see my family every two weeks until Christmas and that makes me so happy. I want to be there for my mom when shes having a tough time but the best I can do is be a text or a phone call away. So mom, I love you and your bald head and I'm so proud of you and I cant wait to love on you again next weekend.